Brian Kelly racks up many miles as he travels around the country and recruits.
Can you even fathom the idea of 10,000 miles in 6 days? Do you even understand just what it takes to not just physically being able to travel that much, but the mental toll that it extracts from one’s mind and soul? This is no vacation- this is a job, and a damn hard one at that.
Recruiting is a tough, tough business and despite some of the tools that make it easier (in some ways) for coach to find and contact possible recruits (basically the Internet), one thing remains the same throughout and that is the need to travel to see these kids. Coaches have to absolutely visit these kids homes, schools, fields, farms, gyms, favorite hangouts, and wherever else to gauge if these kids are fits for the school and if they have what it takes to make it on the field.
Brian Kelly’s job at Notre Dame means that he must do this more than just about any coach in America.
Notre Dame has always and must always recruit at a national scale to compete nationally. This is a small school based in an area lacking of a large number of elite recruits. Basically, they are the opposite of what a Florida State or a Texas is and does.
6 days
— Notre Dame Football (@NDFootball) January 30, 2016
9 cities
10,105 miles
🏈 @CoachBrianKelly will travel ANYWHERE to find the right guys to #JOINTHEF16HT 🍀
It’s a tremendous undertaking, and one that not every coach is willing or even able to do. But, if you are the head football coach at the University of Notre Dame, it is an absolute must. Brian Kelly is working his ass off to get the talent to Notre Dame, and then he is going to work his ass off in developing the talent he gathers.
This is just one of the many reasons Irish fans should be thankful that Kelly signed a contract extension. He is doing a good job, and is just a few recruits away (it would seem) from making that good job into a great job.