Steve Elmer Is Done With Notre Dame Football And Sets A Fine Example


Notre Dame lost another offensive linemen, bit this time it was for all the right reasons.

Today, Notre Dame offensive lineman Steve Elmer announced via a letter published on that he was finished with football and will not play again with one more year of eligibility left. Elmer has decided to pursue the career of his choosing after he graduates from Notre Dame in May.

Steve was an early enrollee at Notre Dame and graduating after his “third” year in college is just one of the perks that come along with being able to do that at Notre Dame.

If we look at this from a strictly football point of view as fans, it definitely hurts Notre Dame moving forward as the Irish must now replace not just Steve Elmer, but also Ronnie Stanley and Nick Martin as well. However, this is more than a “football thing.”

"Now I know that for many of you reading this letter, this situation may sound a little crazy. After all, it’s not every day that you hear about a Notre Dame starter, about to enter his final season, stepping away willingly from this most-revered game. There must be something wrong. Actually, everything is great.No matter how excited I am about what the future has in store for me, the question that inevitably comes up is: why don’t you just wait until next year? My answer is pretty simple; the excitement I feel about the professional opportunity in front of me has helped me to realize that I’m just ready to be done with football. I’ve been playing this game for many years, and quite honestly my heart is no longer in it. I realize that this may be considered sacrilege to some, but it’s truth. What I do love, and where my heart will always be, is the University of Notre Dame."

There is one simple way to look at this decision and be happy for it and for him, and that is to realize that it is CRAZY to not pursue the dream of your choice- if you have that choice. Ronnie Stanley still has one year of eligibility as well, and most people would think that he would be nuts if he didn’t enter the NFL draft. Well… that’s exactly how it is for Elmer- but in something else other than football.

This isn’t rocket science, this is a kid choosing to do something he loves. That’s a respectable choice and it sets a fine example to people everywhere.  Good luck Steve!