Michigan Game
Do you want to go to a game where you just might burst into laughter if the other team and its fans just spontaneously burst into flames? If that’s your cup of tea, then the Notre Dame / Michigan game is for you. The thing is, is that these two teams won’t be playing each other for a long time.
So… this is one that you’ll have to put on the backburner. For all of the posturing we do about not calling Michigan a rival (which they most certainly are not) and not caring to play them ever again, this has been one of my favorite games to attend both in South Bend and in Ann Arbor (tramp).
I thought for a while that perhaps it was the younger version of me that felt more warlike in my attendance, was why I enjoyed this so much- the trash-talking, the rudeness, the shoulder bumps- everything that felt like a soccer game overseas. But, as I witnessed first hand, it was all still there in its hateful glory in 2014 when Notre Dame beat Michigan 37-0 (this is the only score I will accept).
So, if it comes back… get to it, as I’m sure it will be hyped up beyond belief.
Next: Guarding The Gates