Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Here is another one on the list that doesn’t necessarily have to do with football, but everything to do with Notre Dame and the spirit that lives within the University (yes, I’ll go full cheese here). It really is amazing and if you didn’t know, it is open on gamedays to walk around and enjoy as well as offering Mass after the game.
On one trip to Notre Dame (the Michigan game in 2004), I was with a couple of fellow fans and friends that have never been to Notre Dame. While showing the two around, we may have drank a little too much from this odd jug of “apple juice” and I took them to the Basilica. Once we walked inside, one of them was so overwhelmed that he stated in a louder than church voice, “this is f**king BEAUTIFUL!” The priest walking past us just chuckled and shook his head.
My friend was right though- it IS. And if you need more goosebumps and more spiritual awakening before the game, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart doesn’t disappoint.
Next: Here Come The Irish