The Notre Dame quarterbacks are in for another offseason of intrigue, and competition.
We might as well just accept this as the normal mode of operation for Brian Kelly and his Notre Dame quarterbacks. The ongoing quarterback competition is as much of a Notre Dame tradition as fieldturf, the Shamrock Series, and the ACC schedule.
Once again, Brian Kelly has a couple of Notre Dame quarterbacks throwing down to see who the starter will be come the first game of the season. It’s a flashback to the 2015, 2014, 2012, and 2011 season. And if you want to get technical about it, this is in Brian Kelly’s DNA since at least his Cincinnati days.While we have touched this subject many times before with brilliant op-eds such as Taco VS Burrito and a petition to start The Heir of Uncle Rico– maybe too much of this battle gets analyzed.
Of course this is the most important position on the field, and at a prime time program like Notre Dame, it’s the ONLY topic a lot of times… which is the problem.
Instead of starting a Hatfield VS McCoy feud with your dad or brother or co-worker over who the starting quarterback should be in 2016, maybe everyone should chill and take some solace in Brian Kelly and his decision-making when it comes to this whole NOTRE DAME QUARTERBACKS BATTLE ROYALE.
Even Kelly’s decision to start Dayne Crist in game one versus South Florida in 2011 only to yank him in the blink of an eye for Tommy Rees was the right move all around when you really think about it. IT WAS! This is Brian Kelly’s soup du jour. Brian Kelly mounts Starlite and and throws star sprinkles all over the field until he has THE ONE.
I don’t want to take away your offseason fun of plotting exquisite vendettas on other fans that have differing opinions on this topic, but the subject is old and the results are obvious. In 2016, we have the added luxury of having two of the better quarterbacks in the Brian Kelly era- so does it even matter?

Probably not. So, just like Kelly, you too should start riding the rainbows this offseason and let the best result happen- which usually does. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that.