The Spartans are back- fear not.
One of the traditional games for Notre Dame that has seen an interruption due to the new ACC schedule is the Michigan State game. Besides providing a a sweet trophy for a “rivalry game,” this matchup has always been an “up yours” to Michigan and their past quest to shut out Notre Dame from playing opponents in the Big Ten.
Michigan State has been one of the most stable programs in the country these past few years, and Notre Dame provided the only loss to the Michigan State record in 2013 when they last played eachother. No doubt many will look at this as BIG OLE’ SPARTY COMING TO KICK IN DEM IRISH TEETH… but let’s be brutally honest here: Michigan State and Mark Dantonio aren’t in the same league. After all… this isn’t Bobby Williams or John L. Smith bringing his team to South Bend- it’s only Dantonio.
Dantonio has only beat Brian Kelly one time during Kelly’s tenure with the Irish, and that came on a trick play, in overtime, AFTER the playclock had hit double zeros for at least a second or two.
Clock watch.
Next: Double Trojan Move