3. The ‘It’ Factor Personified
Jake Golic is one of the founders of the game. He is a first-ballot Trick Shot Monday Hall of Famer, and everyone in the sport respects him and what he has contributed to the community. So, when I was able to find this video of him banking a shot off the lip in the ceiling directly into the cup and then having one of the best celebrations to go along with that, I had to put it up there in my rankings. The man just has that intangible factor that makes him great. It’s hard to explain.
Golic picked the ball up off the floor, shot it with the utmost confidence, and then with a stoic look on his face, stood stock-still as his teammates picked him up and carried him around, as he remained expressionless and serious and goose-bump-inducing until the moment when his teammates nearly drop him. This entire party of greatness is then capped off by his strikingly honest interview where he tells the world that nothing was/is going through his head, because he’s very tired.
A true professional who acts like he’s been there before? I wouldn’t have expected anything less from one of the geniuses behind the idea for Trick Shot Monday. Well done, Jake.
Next: Stakes Are High