These guys will be instrumental to the success of Notre Dame football in 2019.
We talk an awful lot about coaching strategy and schemes, but winning games in college football is about the Jimmies and Joes as much as it’s about the X’s and O’s. The X’s and O’s are installed and firmly in place for Notre Dame football. It’s time to talk about the Jimmies and Joes.
With Spring practice upon us, new faces will step into currently empty roles, while old faces will step into new roles. By the time the Blue-Gold game arrives, we should have a pretty clear idea of how those changes will impact the 2019 campaign.
Looking ahead and regardless of what happens this Spring, there are certain players who we know will carry heavier loads and play more important roles than others in terms of Notre Dame’s success.
In no particular order, here are the ten more important Notre Dame football players for the 2019 season.