Notre Dame Football currently holds every rivalry trophy
The Rip Miller Trophy (Navy)
The Rip Miller Trophy is named after the legendary Rip Miller, who was a part of Notre Dame’s 7 Mules that blocked for the 4 Horsemen. Rip went on to coach for Navy and then became their Athletic Director.
He was one of the key figures in Navy sending students to Notre Dame during WWII, because so many of Notre Dame’s students went off to fight the war. It saved the school, and it is why Notre Dame and Navy will play a football game every year until the second coming-and beyond. It’s all about “mutual respect.”
While the rivalry usually ends up ending with a Notre Dame win, it is and always will be much more than a football game to both teams.
- First meeting: October 15, 1927
- Last meeting: October 27, 2018
- All-time series: Notre Dame, 76-13-1 (.850)
- Largest victory: Notre Dame, 56-7 (1970)