Ranking the 5 best running backs in the long, rich history of Notre Dame football. Included with the top 5, is a selection of honorable mentions.
Whether with Notre Dame football or anywhere else, in the modern game running backs tend to be an afterthought. The quarterback is the star, the position you need to be successful. The running back has become a nice complimentary player to have on your team. However, for the longest time, the running back were stars of the show.
Given that Notre Dame football’s history of success goes back to over a hundred years ago, it’s safe to say that there’s more than a few great running backs in Irish history. They range from the famed four horsemen of Notre Dame and George Gipp to Jerome Bettis and Autry Denson.
These great players deserve a moment of recognition. As a group, they’re ingrained in the legend of Notre Dame football, by their stories and accomplishments. There have been 10 Notre Dame running backs to make it to the College Football Hall of Fame, and while they can’t all make this list, it’s worth remembering just how many legends have worn a Notre Dame uniform.
Just as with the top-5 Notre Dame quarterbacks of all-time, this list is based on college production and doesn’t take into account their NFL careers. So, a player like Josh Adams, who has the 5th most rushing yards in Notre Dame football history, won’t be hurt by his dismal NFL career.
It is also difficult to compare eras for running backs. There was a time period where backs carried the ball every play unless it was 3rd and long. Strategies have shifted, from the option to the power-I, to the zone run, to the spread, to the RPO. These systems require a different skillset from one another and are difficult to compare.
This is a ranking based on an all-around resume. It’s not a simple listing of who had the best stats, or who has the most awards, or biggest moments. It’s a ranking on who is the best at all of these things. It’s about recognizing the entirety of their NFL career.
For the purpose of this list fullbacks, and running backs will be considered. The two have different roles, obviously. However, they’re just close enough to keep them grouped together.
Without any more build-up, here is the list of the top-5 Notre Dame football running backs off all-time: