10 ways Notre Dame Football can make it back to the College Football Playoff
10. Treat Every Day With Respect
It’s important, when striving for a larger goal, regardless of whether it is making the College Football Playoff or anything else in life, to remember what day you’re currently in. If the goal is in January, it doesn’t just happen in January.
You get ready for that goal and meet benchmarks to reach that goal in the months preceding it.
In other words, don’t get caught in the dream of making the College Football Playoff. Look at what’s in front of you every day, and don’t be annoyed that it is hard work or not where you want to be just yet. Respect the day you’re on in the process, and take the tasks at hand and do them as well as possible, better yourself, and then your goals will form around you.
Yes, that’s a lot of coach-speak, but it’s also true. For Notre Dame Football to reach the CFP again in 2021 and going forward, they can’t become complacent or look to skip the steps that got them there in the past. They need to do those things and expand upon them.