The Notre Dame Football program had their Blue-Gold game on Saturday, and here are some takeaways from the event.
The Blue-Gold Spring Game might just be one glorified practice scrimmage for the Notre Dame Football program, but it is a special event. It certainly doesn’t pit the ones against the twos or always showcase the position groups who will work together.
Still, this is the closest thing to proper Notre Dame football that we’ll get until Fall, and with that comes overreactions and excitement.
The game itself was boring. 17-3 was the final score, with the Blue team coming out on top. That’s a pretty low score for a Spring game, but it also shouldn’t be all that surprising given that most questions Notre Dame has are on offense, while the defense has been one of the best in college football in recent years.
Now, that may not sound like the most fun football game you’ve ever seen, but Spring games are supposed to be fun. They’re about coming out and being excited about your team. They’re about enjoying some football. One thing that watching a Spring game isn’t about is overreacting to minute details and a day’s worth of tape on a player we haven’t seen much of all Spring.
Still, there is plenty to take away from the Spring Game. So let’s dive into everything here.