Former Notre Dame football GM burns all the bridges with USC love fest

Former Notre Dame football GM seemingly took some shots at the Irish, while embracing their bitter rival


It’s safe to say that former Notre Dame football general manager Chad Bowden isn’t going to be welcomed back in South Bend anytime soon.

Bowden left the Fighting Irish program earlier this month, taking the same position he held under Marcus Freeman and bitter rival USC. At the time of the move, there were plenty of ND fans who were annoyed that he left, but understood the departure considering reports that the Trojans tripled his salary. However, the comments he made at the press conference to officially announce his hiring are bound to absolutely enrage the Irish faithful.

Among the comments that have already caused the most backlash among Notre Dame football fans is his claims that while the Irish did “everything” they could to keep Chad Bowden in South Bend, it meant more for him to join USC. “USC kind of held something in my heart.

Notre Dame football fans are plenty outraged at Chad Bowden

Bowden went on and talked more about how much he loved USC. The team that most Notre Dame fans would name as one of the programs they hate the most.

“When I was a kid, I watched Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush. That was my team. Lendale White. [Dwayne] Jarrett. All of those guys. USC kind of held something in my heart.”

Certainly some of his comments can be dismissed as being excited about his new job. There’s something to be said for him doing a sales job about how great USC is, considering recruiting is a big part of his. The biggest part of his job in fact.

Still, Bowden’s a smart man and he certainly knows how his comments were going to sound to Notre Dame football fans. And he said them anyway. It’s safe to say at this point that Irish faithful are ready to move on forever without him. Now Marcus Freeman just needs to lock his man down for his own general manager.

