Notre Dame football's freshman left tackle's growth is off the charts

Anthonie Knapp is doing something few Notre Dame football linemen ever get a shot at.

Anthonie Knapp has started every game of his freshman season at left tackle for Notre Dame football and will find himself doing it once again when his team takes on USC. 

11 games ago, Knapp made his first start at Kyle Field. The season was on the line then. The season is on the line now. Knapp and his team need a win to get to the playoffs. They likely needed that win over Texas A&M to also secure a spot. A 9-2 Irish team might be on the bubble. 

Knapp feels his game growing each week and he’s a completely different player than the one who took the field for Notre Dame football  in College Station. He thinks the game is starting to slow down. He thinks his football instincts are taking over.

Notre Dame football freshman is growing into the job

“It's just kind of realizing how things happen, seeing looks over and over again, kind of being able to react without thinking,” Knapp said of where his game has grown earlier this week. “I think thinking was probably my biggest mistake going in and created a lot of issues for me. Once, I was able to hone down those instincts and just kind of play football, play freely, I think that's probably the biggest milestone so far.”

“I gotta capitalize on things that they're good on, but also capitalize things that they're bad on, and kind of close that gap and make me more consistent. I think that was my biggest thing. It kind of helped me go through the game, being able to compare myself to a defensive end who had a lot of good talent."

Knapp’s job is a big one for the Notre Dame football team on Saturday. If he does his, the rest of the offense can do theirs. And the Irish will win.

