Notre Dame football and a Texas school reportedly on Big Ten wishlist

Notre Dame to the Big Ten talk is already heating up again but there's a new twist to the latest rumors.

Michael Reaves/GettyImages

As much as we’d like to pretend it’s not true, it feels like at some point, Notre Dame football will join the Big Ten. After all the Irish are smack dab in the middle of B1G country. Their two biggest in-state rivals are both members of that conference. Their two biggest historical rivals in Michigan and USC are also both members of the conference.

That’s why whenever conference expansion is brought up, Notre Dame to the Big Ten is omnipresent. However, the latest buzz offers up a bit of a twist.

This time around, Greg Swaim thinks that the Big Ten will be pursuing Notre Dame football, but they’ll be looking for an SEC school to join them. The conference specifically wants a Texas team, but it’s not the Longhorns.

Notre Dame football could be pairing with Texas team in Big Ten expansion

"Why does the B1G and NotreDame both want TAMU as the second team coming in for the future? Because both the B10 and Irish want to get into Texas... it's just that simple," Swaim wrote on X.

This isn’t the first time that Swaim has claimed that the Big Ten wants to move into Texas. He previously said they’d be dipping their toes in that water by the 2026-2027 academic year. However, this is more specific than that, saying that it will be Notre Dame and Texas A&M heading to the B1G.

"Who are the next two teams to join the #B1G and make it the Big 20?” Swaim added. “Our terrific Chicago source tells us that he's hearing it'll very likely be Notre Dame (who has a perpetual invite) and TAMU, as the B1G wants to get into Texas and the Aggies are very unhappy with the addition of the Longhorns (duh?)," Swaim prefaced before saying, "Once again he reiterates there will not be any invites to non-AAU member teams, so doesn't believe FSU nor Clemson will get invitations.”

It’s worth pointing out that at this point, the radio host doesn’t know exactly when these moves could come. However, the insinuation is that Notre Dame football and Texas A&M could be members of the Big Ten by this time next season.

